Fabricated though his name sounds, Jack Handey is mostly a real person, an American humorist whose gently surreal one-liners and parodies of lyrical writing appeared most famously during interstitial segments titled Deep Thoughts” on Saturday Night Live” circa 1990. A contemporary debate in psychoanalysis is anchored at a personal level by widely contrasting attitudes toward precisely what possible in human life: Cartesian thinking, which posits the isolation in the mind as well as the duality of mind and body, arises from an unconscious attitude of resignation and even cynicism about the chance of healing a breach in relatedness; certain trends in post-Cartesian thought, positing interdependence and approaching mind-body relations phenomenologically, reflect an attitude of hope that sustaining relations to others are generally restored and therefore personal fragmentation can thereby be brought together in a embracing unity. The tendentious habit of thought in this time (our common sense) remains wildly skewed by Cartesian premises, toward the division - without merely the distinction - between mind as well as the phenomenal world it perceives, leaving us not having expertise in that this constitutive activity of our own intuitive thinking renders possible our check out any world the least bit we can experience, stranded about the dark, barren stage made of matter only: life's poor player reduced to signifying nothing. The importance for twinship isn't really innate like the necessity for mirroring (to be seen) and idealization (to feel safe, protected) but is quite born of a traumatic requirement affiliation within the wake of the company's devastating absence; the trouble being by using twinship, even between the nearest a great number intimate of folks, trucking jobs inescapable collapse of difference” that keeps growing, which will keep all parties enslaved by their original trauma, tragically destined to repeat it, as their beloved sameness follows its inevitable path toward rupture and dissolution - for example, twinship fails to permit the Other to get different enough, distinct enough, differentiated enough to gradually learn how to become their own point of agency and origination and of independent thought, feeling and imagination: paradoxically, Some originate myself, while yet My organization is responsible to and also for my personal origination.


Deep Question: Will it be the fact that the narrative impulse - the prefer and tell a tale about one's life - as well as the metaphysical impulse - the necessity for an eternal, changeless foundation for everything exists - are, ultimately, complementary formulations of the same thing, providing a feeling of purpose, meaning, and wholeness: hmo's imagining a reassuring coherence and unity within the diverse portions of our otherwise unbearably chaotic personal lives; these creating a picture of your cosmic ground that solidifies everything is transitory and threatens to melt into air? Her former lover is shown in the prom, deep in thought, in reference to his prom king crown askew on his head. When i did previously are now living in jp the best thing to do on my day off was pay a visit to city feed and find a bagel, walk through the arboretum, and quit at deep thoughts/boomerang/goodwill walking on back.